Creating PyTorch Datasets and DataLoaders from Scratch: A Beginner's Guide
In this post, we will address the fundamental aspects of Torch’s Datasets and DataLoaders, considering an environment with Data, Pipeline and Tensor Parallelism and including functionalities to resume training after an interruption. We will present Nanosets, a custom dataset for LLM training at scale with Nanotron
In this post, we will address the fundamental aspects of Torch’s Dataset
s and DataLoader
s, considering an environment with Data, Pipeline and Tensor Parallelism and including functionalities to resume training after an interruption. To do this, we will introduce Nanoset
[GitHub PR], a dataset that I have developed for training LLMs at scale for Nanotron
, the 3D parallelism trainer developed by Hugging Face 🤗.
Our objective for training LLMs is to build batches containing batch_size
samples with sequence_length
tokens for the input_ids
and labels
. To achieve this, we will present the Nanoset
, a dataset based on numpy memory-mapped arrays, which allows to easily read bytes of data from local disk. These bytes are the tokens of the documents with which we want to train our model. In order not to lengthen this article, we will start from the assumption that we already have the tokenized documents stored in a file, where each token is represented by 2 bytes.
Torch’s Dataset
Below we show the source code of the Nanoset
from typing import Dict, List, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
from import Dataset
from nanotron import logging
from import count_dataset_indexes, normalize
from import build_nanoset_index_helper
logger = logging.get_logger(__name__)
class Nanoset(Dataset):
The Nanoset dataset
dataset_paths (List[str]): List of paths to tokenized datasets
dataset_weights (List[float]): List with the weights for weighted datasets. If None, consume all samples from all datasets without weighting. Weights are normalized in __init__
sequence_length (int): Sequence length of the built samples
train_split_num_samples (int): Number of samples the dataset needs. It's the training steps * global batch size
def __init__(
dataset_paths: List[str],
dataset_weights: Union[List[float], None],
sequence_length: int,
train_split_num_samples: int,
random_seed: int = 1234,
) -> None:
# Init
self.dataset_paths = dataset_paths
self.dataset_weights = dataset_weights
self.sequence_length = sequence_length
self.train_split_num_samples = train_split_num_samples
self.random_seed = random_seed
# Build Nanoset Index
## To build the index we need the length of each dataset
self.dataset_lengths = []
for dataset_path in self.dataset_paths:
self.dataset_buffer_mmap = np.memmap(dataset_path, mode="r", order="C", dtype=np.uint16)
self.dataset_buffer = memoryview(self.dataset_buffer_mmap)
dataset_tokens = int(len(self.dataset_buffer))
number_of_samples = int(
(dataset_tokens - 1) / sequence_length
) # Discard last sample of length < sequence_length
## Set dataset weights
if (
self.dataset_weights is None
): # Case of training with > 1 datasets without weighting them: Consume both datasets entirely on each epoch
self.dataset_weights = normalize(self.dataset_lengths)
self.dataset_weights = normalize(dataset_weights)
## Build dataset index and dataset sample index
self.dataset_index, self.dataset_sample_index = self.build_nanoset_index()
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
Returns sequence_length + 1 tokens from the memmap dataset
idx (int): The index into the dataset
Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]: The input ids wrapped in a dictionary
dataset = self.dataset_index[idx]
dataset_sample = self.dataset_sample_index[idx]
# Rebuild the memmap in every access to free memory
self.dataset_buffer_mmap = np.memmap(self.dataset_paths[dataset], mode="r", order="C", dtype=np.uint16)
self.dataset_buffer = memoryview(self.dataset_buffer_mmap)
# dtype=uint16, 2 bytes per token
offset = dataset_sample * self.sequence_length * 2
input_ids_tokens = np.frombuffer(
self.dataset_buffer, dtype=np.uint16, count=(self.sequence_length + 1), offset=offset
# Return tokens as np.int32 as Torch can't handle uint16
return {"input_ids": input_ids_tokens.astype(np.int32)}
def __len__(self) -> int:
int: The number of samples of the Nanoset
return len(self.dataset_index)
def build_nanoset_index(self) -> np.ndarray:
Build dataset index and dataset sample index
# Compute samples per epoch and number of epochs
samples_per_epoch = sum(self.dataset_lengths)
num_epochs = int(self.train_split_num_samples / samples_per_epoch) + 1
# Build the dataset indexes for 1 epoch
dataset_index, dataset_sample_index = build_nanoset_index_helper(
n_samples=samples_per_epoch, weights=self.dataset_weights, dataset_sizes=self.dataset_lengths
# Shuffle the indexes the same way
numpy_random_state = np.random.RandomState(self.random_seed)
numpy_random_state = np.random.RandomState(self.random_seed)
# Concatenate num_epochs the shuffled indexes
dataset_index = np.concatenate([dataset_index for _ in range(num_epochs)])
dataset_sample_index = np.concatenate([dataset_sample_index for _ in range(num_epochs)])
# Just keep the necessary samples
dataset_index = dataset_index[: self.train_split_num_samples]
dataset_sample_index = dataset_sample_index[: self.train_split_num_samples]
return dataset_index, dataset_sample_index
def print_nanoset_info(self):
print(f"> Total number of samples: {len(self)}")
print(f"> Total number of tokens: {len(self) * self.sequence_length}")
# Print samples from each dataset + weight
dataset_sample_count = count_dataset_indexes(self.dataset_index, len(self.dataset_paths))
for index, sample_count in enumerate(dataset_sample_count):
print(f"> Total number of samples from the {self.dataset_paths[index].rsplit('/', 1)[-1]} dataset: {sample_count} ({round(normalize(dataset_sample_count).tolist()[index], 2)})")
The 3 core aspects of a Dataset
__init__: This method will be responsible for creating our dataset based on the arguments we introduce. Here we build all the logic related to how we interact with the
.🚨 Next we will explain the core details of
. It is not necessary to understand them in depth to understand the rest of the post, so feel free to step over this part. It serves as an example to illustrate the idea that in the __init__ method you have to build all the necessary logic to later interact with theDataset
.In our case, the parameters characterizing each
are as follows:dataset_paths
: One or multiple paths to the datasets containing tokenized documents.dataset_weights
: If we train the model with >1 datasets, we can specify the proportion of samples from each one during training.sequence_length
: Each sample of theNanoset
will containsequence_length
: The minimum number of samples required to build theNanoset
. In case the datasets are not large enough, we will consume them repeatedly (Epochs).
With these parameters, the first thing we will do is compute the
of each dataset, which will be determined by thenumber_of_total_tokens / sequence_length
, discarding the last sample since its length <sequence_length
.Based on the
, thedataset_weights
and thenumber_of_samples_per_epoch
(defined as thesum(dataset_lengths)
), we build the two indexes we need in order to extract samples from theNanoset
: Contains the index of the dataset from the list ofdataset_paths
from which to extract the sample, respecting the established dataset weight.Given: D = [d0, d1, d2, d3] # datasets DL = [8, 2, 5, 5] # dataset lengths W = [0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1] # dataset weights SPE = 20 # number of samples per epoch Then, for example: dataset_index = [1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1]
: Contains the sample index to extract from thedataset_index[index]
dataset, always <len(dataset)
.dataset_index = [1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1] dataset_sample_index = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0, 1]
Then, we shuffle with the same permutation both indexes and concatenate them
times, which is defined bytrain_split_num_samples
.Given: N = 70 # train split num samples dataset_index = [1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1] dataset_sample_index = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0, 1] Shuffle dataset_index and dataset_sample_index: dataset_index = [1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1] dataset_sample_index = [1, 0, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 1] n_concatenations = (70/(20)) + 1 = 4 dataset_index = dataset_index concatenated 4 times dataset_sample_index = dataset_sample_index concatenated 4 times dataset_index = dataset_index[: N] dataset_sample_index = dataset_sample_index[: N]
__getitem__: This method will be responsible of building the samples queried to the
. Here is where we will handle all the costly operations related to each sample we want to extract, such as reading files, preprocessing or data augmentation. In our case, to query theNanoset
for the k-th sample we use thedataset_index
to retrieve the corresponding dataset fromD
and thedataset_sample_index
to retrieve the corresponding sample from that dataset.sample = D[dataset_index[k]][dataset_sample_index[k]]
As we have already mentioned, each dataset is a file where each token is represented by 2 bytes. To construct the samples, we will build a memory-mapped array from this file (
), and from thedataset_sample_index[k]
, we will extractsequence_length + 1
tokens (Remember that the labels for the model training are the inputs with a 1 position shift).__len__: This method will include the logic that establishes the number of samples we have in the
. This value is essential for theDataLoader
to know the positions it can query from theDataset
The following snippet shows how to create a Nanoset
and extract samples. It is worth to mention that we will create the same Nanoset
in each and every process involved in the training of the model.
train_nanoset = Nanoset(dataset_paths=["datasets/yelp_review_full_input_ids.npy"],
> Total number of samples: 1000
> Total number of tokens: 8192000
> Total number of samples from the yelp_review_full_input_ids.npy dataset: 1000 (1.0)
{'input_ids': array([ 13, 911, 23750, ..., 2185, 34443, 16405], dtype=int32)}
Torch’s DataLoader
Now that we know how to build a Dataset
and how to extract samples from it, let’s move on to building the DataLoader
. The DataLoader
will have the help of a collator and a sampler.
The Sampler
The sampler will contain the list of indices that the DataLoader
has to extract from the Dataset
. For this, it will create a sample index with len(Dataset)
In our case, as we will have Data Parallelism, we must avoid consuming the same sample repeatedly during an epoch. To do this, we will use the DistributedSampler
, which will divide the indices of the Dataset
by the Data Parallel size. For this, we will have to specify the Data Parallel Size (Common in all processes) and the Data Parallel Rank.
🚨 Due to how the training loop is designed, it expects to never exhaust all the batches that the
can produce. This is why, during the creation of theNanoset
indices, we concatenate them a sufficient number of times to never run out of samples, but before this process, we shuffle them. We shuffle the data at this moment and not in the sampler because this way, we ensure that in each epoch, we consume all the samples from each of the datasets.
In the following way, we will create the DistributedSampler
in the processes that belong to the first Data Parallel Rank with a Data Parallel Size of 4.
from import DistributedSampler
sampler = DistributedSampler(train_nanoset, num_replicas=DATA_PARALLEL_SIZE, rank=0, shuffle=False)
These will be the indices that we will query from the Dataset
sampler = iter(sampler)
for _ in range(4):
And this is how we create the DistributedSampler
for the processes belonging to the second Data Parallel Rank. As can be seen, the sampler access different indices from the Dataset
sampler_1 = DistributedSampler(train_nanoset, num_replicas=DATA_PARALLEL_SIZE, rank=1, shuffle=False)
sampler_1 = iter(sampler_1)
for _ in range(4):
If we have a Dataset
with 16 samples and a Data Parallel Size of 4, the DistributedSampler
indices will look like this:
Proc1 | Proc2 | Proc3 | Proc4
------------------------------ Epoch 1
0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
------------------------------ Epoch 2
0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
------------------------------ Epoch 3
0 1 2 3
The Collator
If we look at the __getitem__ method of the Nanoset
, we observe how each sample is a dictionary containing the tokens in a numpy array. But, weren’t the model inputs of type torch.Tensor
? And where are the labels? In the case of having pipeline parallelism, we only need the inputs in the first stage and the labels in the last one, right? All these questions will be addressed in the collator.
The collator will be responsible for carrying out a final data processing step on each sample before feeding them into the model. This final step often depends on more specific variables of each process, such as the Data Parallel Rank or the Pipeline stage. While it is true that we could do this in the __getitem__ method, it’s better to do it in the collator so we construct exactly the same Nanoset
in all processes.
Below we show the collator that we will use with the Nanoset
in Nanotron
. As can be seen, we will distinguish between the processes at the beginning of the pipeline (which will require the inputs), those at the last stage of the pipeline (which will require the labels), and the rest. It will also be responsible for creating the labels from the inputs (Shifting the tokens 1 position to the right) and transforming all arrays into torch.Tensor
import dataclasses
from nanotron.parallel.pipeline_parallel.tensor_pointer import TensorPointer
class DataCollatorForCLM:
Data collator used for causal language modeling.
- input_pp_rank: Feeds the input_ids to the model
- output_pp_rank: Feeds the labels to the model
- other pp ranks: Don't have data. Instead, we use `TensorPointer` to point to the pipeline rank having the data. Used by Nanotron's pipeline engine.
sequence_length: int
input_pp_rank: int
output_pp_rank: int
current_pp_rank: int
def __call__(self, examples: List[Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]]) -> Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, TensorPointer]]:
# Process the case when current rank doesn't require data. We return `TensorPointer` that points to ranks having the data.
if self.current_pp_rank not in [
assert all(len(example) == 0 for example in examples)
return {
"input_ids": TensorPointer(group_rank=self.input_pp_rank),
"input_mask": TensorPointer(group_rank=self.input_pp_rank),
"label_ids": TensorPointer(group_rank=self.output_pp_rank),
"label_mask": TensorPointer(group_rank=self.output_pp_rank),
# Make sure we load `input_ids` column.
assert all(list(example.keys()) == ["input_ids"] for example in examples)
input_ids = np.vstack([examples[i]["input_ids"] for i in range(len(examples))]) # (b, s)
batch_size, expanded_input_length = input_ids.shape
result: Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, TensorPointer]] = {}
result["input_ids"] = TensorPointer(group_rank=self.input_pp_rank)
result["input_mask"] = TensorPointer(group_rank=self.input_pp_rank)
result["label_ids"] = TensorPointer(group_rank=self.output_pp_rank)
result["label_mask"] = TensorPointer(group_rank=self.output_pp_rank)
assert (
expanded_input_length == self.sequence_length + 1
), f"Samples should be of length {self.sequence_length + 1} (seq_len+1), but got {expanded_input_length}"
# Process inputs: last token is the label
if self.current_pp_rank == self.input_pp_rank:
result["input_ids"] = input_ids[:, :-1]
result["input_mask"] = np.ones((batch_size, self.sequence_length), dtype=np.bool_)
# Process labels: shift them to the left
if self.current_pp_rank == self.output_pp_rank:
result["label_ids"] = input_ids[:, 1:]
result["label_mask"] = np.ones((batch_size, self.sequence_length), dtype=np.bool_)
if isinstance(result["input_ids"], torch.Tensor) and result["input_ids"].shape[-1] != self.sequence_length:
raise ValueError(
f"`labels` are incorrectly preprocessed. `labels` length is {result['input_ids'].shape[-1]}, but should be"
f" {self.sequence_length}."
if isinstance(result["label_ids"], torch.Tensor) and result["label_ids"].shape[-1] != self.sequence_length:
raise ValueError(
f"`labels` are incorrectly preprocessed. `labels` length is {result['label_ids'].shape[-1]}, but should be"
f" {self.sequence_length}."
# Cast np.array to torch.Tensor
result = {k: v if isinstance(v, TensorPointer) else torch.from_numpy(v) for k, v in result.items()}
return result
This is how we create a collator and an example of what it will produce from each sample extracted from the Nanoset
collator = DataCollatorForCLM(sequence_length=SEQUENCE_LENGTH, input_pp_rank=0, output_pp_rank=0, current_pp_rank=0)
collator([{"input_ids": np.random.randint(0, 1000, size=(SEQUENCE_LENGTH +1,))}])
{'input_ids': tensor([[331, 141, 27, ..., 632, 494, 340]]),
'input_mask': tensor([[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]]),
'label_ids': tensor([[141, 27, 187, ..., 494, 340, 902]]),
'label_mask': tensor([[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]])}
The DataLoader
After building the Dataset
from which we will extract samples, the sampler containing which samples to extract, and the collator that will take care of formatting the samples to feed them into the model, we can finally jump into building the DataLoader! We simply need to input these 3 elements along with the desired batch_size
from import DataLoader
train_dataloader = DataLoader(
Next, we show the contents of each batch that we will input into the model and the dimensions of the most relevant tensors.
train_dataloader = iter(train_dataloader)
batch = next(train_dataloader)
{'input_ids': tensor([[19978, 21420, 543, ..., 15494, 355, 257],
[ 257, 1256, 1342, ..., 1424, 379, 428],
[ 460, 470, 4255, ..., 518, 373, 922],
[ 326, 314, 4444, ..., 340, 338, 287]], dtype=torch.int32), 'input_mask': tensor([[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True],
[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True],
[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True],
[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]]), 'label_ids': tensor([[21420, 543, 1234, ..., 355, 257, 21239],
[ 1256, 1342, 38635, ..., 379, 428, 4067],
[ 470, 4255, 2861, ..., 373, 922, 13],
[ 314, 4444, 510, ..., 338, 287, 262]], dtype=torch.int32), 'label_mask': tensor([[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True],
[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True],
[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True],
[True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]])}
for idx in range(4):
batch = next(train_dataloader)
print(f'[Batch {idx}] input_ids shape: {batch["input_ids"].shape}. label_ids shape: {batch["label_ids"].shape}')
[Batch 0] input_ids shape: torch.Size([4, 8192]). label_ids shape: torch.Size([4, 8192])
[Batch 1] input_ids shape: torch.Size([4, 8192]). label_ids shape: torch.Size([4, 8192])
[Batch 2] input_ids shape: torch.Size([4, 8192]). label_ids shape: torch.Size([4, 8192])
[Batch 3] input_ids shape: torch.Size([4, 8192]). label_ids shape: torch.Size([4, 8192])
I recommend that you consult the documentation of Torch’s DataLoader
s and explore other parameters such as num_workers
, drop_last
, or pin_memory
Checkpointing and resuming training
During training, interruptions are possible (such as GPU crashing, exceeding the time limit of the cluster policy, cluster down for maintenance, etc.), and there’s nothing worse than having to start training all over again, right? That’s why it’s essential to program checkpointing mechanisms that store the model’s state, but also of the DataLoader
’s states in order to avoid consuming the same data again. To achieve this, we will have to store the number of samples consumed at the moment at which we took the checkpoint along with the model and, once we resume training, skip this number of samples in the sampler.
Below, we show an example of how training is stopped at iteration 18 when we were going to consume sample 70. And how, upon resuming training, with the help of the SkipBatchSampler
, we skip the first 17*Data Parallel Size
samples to resume training from sample 70.
init_sampler = DistributedSampler(train_nanoset, num_replicas=DATA_PARALLEL_SIZE, rank=2, shuffle=False)
for iter, sample in enumerate(init_sampler):
from import BatchSampler
class SkipBatchSampler(BatchSampler):
A `` that skips the first `n` samples of another ``.
Note that in case of DDP, we skip samples on each rank, so a total of `skipped_batches * MICRO_BATCH_SIZE * parallel_context.dp_pg.size()` samples
def __init__(self, batch_sampler: BatchSampler, skip_samples: int, dp_size: int):
self.batch_sampler = batch_sampler
# In case of DDP, we skip batches on each rank, so a total of `skip_samples * parallel_context.dp_pg.size()` batches
self.skip_samples = skip_samples // dp_size
def __iter__(self):
for index, samples in enumerate(self.batch_sampler):
if index >= self.skip_samples:
yield samples
resume_sampler = DistributedSampler(train_nanoset, num_replicas=DATA_PARALLEL_SIZE, rank=2, shuffle=False)
resume_sampler = SkipBatchSampler(resume_sampler, DATA_PARALLEL_SIZE*CRASH_AT_ITERATION, 4)
for sample in resume_sampler:
To sum up
Throughout this post, we have seen the fundamental aspects of Datasets
and DataLoaders
, introducing Nanoset
, a Dataset
for training LLMs at scale.
In summary, to create a DataLoader
we need:
: An object that we can index to extract samples. In environments with Data Parallelism, we will create the sameDataset
in all processes. We should pay attention to the following methods:- __init__: Method invoked during the object creation where we will establish its attributes and build the necessary logic to extract samples.
- __getitem__: Method to extract samples from the
. This is where we will carry out more costly operations such as IO or preprocessing. - __len__: Method that returns the number of samples we can query to the
, essential for theDataLoader
’s sampler.
- Sampler: It will contain the indices that the
will extract from theDataset
. With Data Parallelism, we will use theDistributedSampler
, which will divide theDataset
indices among the different Data Parallel Ranks. To resume training properly, it will be necessary to store the model checkpoint along with the number of total samples consumed. - Collator: Responsible for the final step of data processing before feeding batches of data into the model.
With all of this, you are now ready to construct any DataLoader
you propose 🥳! Here is a diagram summarizing all the components to build custom DataLoader
s and how they interact with each other.
Soon, I will publish a second part introducing Torch’s IterableDataset
s, which allows us to stream and tokenize text on the fly but requires additional logic both to build the batches and to resume training after an interruption (Fundamental for large-scale training).